child playing with wooden toy cars on Lollibly playmat

Best Baby Toys for Fine Motor Skill Development (12 to 24 months)

Time to read 3 min

Best Baby Toys for Fine Motor Skill Development (12 to 24 months)

Whether it’s for a special occasion like Christmas or just because you want to dote on your little one, toys are the perfect gift for kids to play and enjoy their childhood. 

And for infants and toddlers, toys serve as great learning tools too! They can help with your child’s early development by building their logic as well as fine motor skills, and can also help your child learn more about the world around them. 

That’s why it’s important to buy toys that are safe and appropriate for their age. 

In this article, let’s go through some tips on what you should look out for when buying new baby items and toys for fine motor skill development!

Which type of toys is suited for developing fine motor skills?

Shopping in a baby store can be overwhelming sometimes, simply because there are so many different toys and gadgets available. 

How do you know which ones are made for fine motor skill development? 

Fine motor skills involve the use of the smaller muscles in our hands, for everyday activities such as writing, cutting paper, and even buttoning up your shirt.

For 12 - 24 month olds, these toys include: 

  • Building blocks - Helps your child coordinate hand-eye movement and use motor skills to manipulate the object in hand

  • Bead maze - Enhances colour recognition and hand-eye coordination

  • Magnetic drawing board - Develops grasp of objects and hand-eye coordination, specifically any specialised movement of their hands

  • Knob & Peg Puzzles - Develops spatial skills, fine motor skills in the baby’s fingers, and boosts hand-eye coordination

baby playing with toys

Pick toys that are appropriate for your child’s age and abilities

It’s common for friends or loved ones to gift your child with presents, but it’s important to note that not all toys are fit for toddlers. 

Monitor how your little one’s abilities are developing and select toys that will boost his fine motor skills. Here are a few examples to help!

For kids between 12 and 18 months:

  • Pick toys that will train their grip and hand control, such as painting sets

  • Toy sets that involve stacking actions (like building a tower of blocks) or matching shapes and pegs into holes to train coordination

For kids between 18 and 24 months:

  • Crafting toys that help your child exercise better control over their fingers or hands like clay shaping or colouring sets

  • Bead, knob and peg game sets that help develop spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination

choosing toys depending on children age

Check and double check on how safe the toys are for your child

New mums and dads should take extra care with this -- toys which are for kids above the age of your child may be hazardous for your little one!

Look out for things like small, detachable pieces that can be choked on, or sharp corners that could cause injury if not handled properly. 

Before purchasing the toys from a baby store, you can also do a quick check of other parents’ reviews online. That’s the best way to know if the toy is safe enough to be handled by your child, especially if they play with it without your full-time supervision!

Bonus Tip: Creating a Conducive Play Area

Toys and activities that build your 12- to 24-month-old’s fine motor skills often require a little more focus and concentration. Why not create a conducive area for this?

Getting a play mat is a simple and budget friendly solution we’d recommend. These soft and thickly padded mats provide maximum comfort for your little one (and you too if you’re playing with your child!). 

Check out the range of Lollibly baby play mats from Hatchery here! They’re waterproof, PVC-free and hypoallergenic, making them perfect for your toddler’s play area.

baby safety while playing

Shop for baby essentials and nursery furniture

Level up your nursery with the best baby shop in Singapore! Jump onto Hatchery Singapore’s website where you can find the best products for yourself and your little one. 

View the wide array of products you can choose from and have delivered right at your doorstep.