Baby Prams


    What are the key features to consider when choosing a baby pram?

    When choosing a baby pram, consider key features such as safety, comfort, maneuverability, durability, and storage options. Look for features like a sturdy frame, adjustable handlebars, multi-position reclining seats, padded harnesses, and ample storage space.

    What are the different types of baby prams available and which one is right for my needs?

    There are different types of baby prams available, including traditional prams, travel systems, lightweight strollers, and jogging strollers. Traditional prams provide a classic and luxurious option, while travel systems offer compatibility with infant car seats. Lightweight strollers are ideal for travel and everyday use, and jogging strollers are designed for active parents.

    Are there baby prams suitable for newborns or infants?

    Yes, there are baby prams specifically designed for newborns and infants. They feature features such as flat reclining seats or bassinet attachments to provide a safe and comfortable lying position for newborns. The Hauck stroller series are suitable for use from birth as the seats recline flat for newborns, while the Thule stroller series will require the Newborn Inlay accessory for usage from birth.

    Are there baby prams suitable for multiple children, such as twins or siblings?

    Yes, these prams are designed with double or tandem seating arrangements, allowing both children to ride comfortably together. The Thule Sleek Single-to-Double convertible stroller bundle has features such as adjustable seats, canopies, and harness systems to accommodate the needs of each child. There is also an option to add-on the car seat adapter, or a rider board for accommodating a 3rd child!

    What are the advantages of a pram with a reversible seat?

    A pram with a reversible seat offers the advantage of versatility and convenience. With a reversible seat, you can easily change the direction your baby faces, allowing them to either face you or face forward. This feature allows you to maintain eye contact with your baby and provides a sense of security and bonding. It also allows your child to explore and interact with their surroundings as they grow older.

    Shopping for the perfect baby pram with Hatchery Cribs

    When shopping for a perfect pram, look no further than Hatchery Cribs. With our wide selection of high-quality prams, you can find the ideal match for your needs and preferences. From stylish designs to practical features, our prams offer comfort, safety, and convenience for you and your little one. Visit Hatchery Cribs today and discover the perfect pram to make your parenting journey a joyous and hassle-free experience.