Newborn Baby Checklist: Must Haves vs. Don't-Needs

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Newborn Baby Checklist: Must Haves vs. Don't-Needs

pregnant woman sitting on bed touching her belly and holding onto ultrasound

Preparing for the arrival of your newborn baby is an exciting time filled with anticipation and joy. As you navigate through the countless baby products and recommendations, it's important to distinguish between the must-haves and the don't-needs. Creating a comprehensive newborn baby checklist that focuses on essential items and filtering out unnecessary purchases will save you time and money while ensuring that you are fully equipped to provide only the best for your little one.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of discerning the Must-haves vs Don't-needs. Here are the definitions and some examples of the 2:

  1. Must-haves are crucial items that simplify and enhance your baby's early days. For example, onesies, swaddles, bath essentials, baby carriers, and strollers.
  2. Don't-needs are enticing products to own but fine to deprioritise. For example, fancy baby shoes, fancy food processors, and baby specific detergents.

By striking the right balance, you can confidently prepare for your newborn's arrival, knowing that you have everything you truly need to embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood. Read and bookmark this guide to ensure you're well-prepared for your baby's arrival!

Newborn Baby Checklist: Things You Must Have

1. Newborn Baby Clothing Checklist

a flatlay of baby knitted top socks beanie and booties

When it comes to clothing your newborn, comfort and practicality are key. Here are the essential items you'll need for your baby's wardrobe:

  • Onesies and sleepers: Aim for around seven to ten onesies and sleepers in newborn and 0-3 month sizes.
  • Socks and booties: Keep those tiny feet warm with a few pairs of socks and booties.
  • Hats and mittens: Keep your newborn's head warm with soft, snug hats. Mittens are also useful for preventing them from scratching their face unintentionally.
  • Swaddling blankets: Opt for lightweight, breathable blankets for swaddling and comfort.

2. Diapering Essentials for Newborns:

a flat lay of baby diapers and other baby essentials

Diapers are a constant necessity for newborns. Here's what you'll need to keep your baby clean and dry:

  • Disposable or cloth diapers: Stock up on diapers, whether you choose disposable or cloth. Aim for at least one week's supply.
  • Baby wipes: Choose wipes that are gentle on your baby's delicate skin.
  • Diaper cream: Have a diaper cream on hand to prevent and treat diaper rash
  • Portable changing pad: Get a soft, waterproof changing pad for diaper changes.

3. Feeding Essentials for Newborn Babies:

a photo of breast pump and bottle with milk

Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, here are the essentials for feeding your newborn:

  • Bottles: Have several bottles and nipples ready if you're planning on bottle-feeding. Start with a small set and adjust as needed.
  • Burp cloths: Have a stack of soft, absorbent burp cloths to clean up any messes during feeding.
  • Nursing bras: If you plan to breastfeed, invest in a few high-quality nursing bras and breast pads.
  • Breast pump: If you plan to express breast milk, consider getting a reliable breast pump to maintain your milk supply and provide feeding flexibility.

4. Newborn Baby Sleeping Checklist:

a babyletto yuzu crib in baby nursery

A safe and comfortable sleep environment is crucial for your newborn's well-being. Consider the following items:

  • Crib or bassinet: Provide a safe sleep environment with a crib or bassinet. Make sure to follow the recommended safety guidelines (i.e. no crib bumpers till baby’s above 6 months old)
  • Crib mattress and fitted sheets: Get a firm, waterproof crib mattress and a few fitted sheets for bedding.
  • Sleep sacks or swaddles: These will keep your baby warm and secure while they sleep.
  • Baby nest: Opt for one that is comfortable and cosy, and can be used during daytime and nighttime.

5. Newborn Baby Bathing and Hygiene Checklist:

happy baby having his bath time in a bath tub while lying on a bath cushion

Bathing and hygiene are essential for keeping your baby clean and happy. Here's what you'll need:

  • Baby bathtub: Choose a small, portable bathtub that provides support for your newborn.
  • Baby soap and shampoo: Opt for gentle, hypoallergenic products specifically designed for babies.
  • Soft washcloths and towels: Have a few soft, absorbent washcloths and hooded towels ready for bath time.
  • Nail clippers or scissors: Trim your baby's nails with special baby-sized clippers or scissors designed for safety.

6. Safety and Health Checklist for Newborns:

happy mom talking to newborn baby lying in thule stroller

Ensuring your baby's safety and well-being is of utmost importance. Here are some essential items to consider:

  • Thermometer: Keep a digital thermometer on hand to monitor your baby's temperature.
  • Baby-safe laundry detergent: Wash your baby's clothes separately with a mild, fragrance-free detergent.
  • Infant car seat: Install an appropriate car seat that meets safety standards for transporting your baby.
  • Stroller: Have a stroller that is suitable for use from birth for easy transportation.
  • Baby monitor: Consider getting a baby monitor to keep an eye on your little one while they sleep.

7. Miscellaneous Must-Haves for Newborns:

mom using doomoo buddy to nurse newborn baby

Here are a few additional items that can come in handy:

  • Pacifiers: Have a few pacifiers ready in case your baby finds them soothing.
  • Baby carrier or wrap: Carry your baby comfortably with a baby carrier or wrap.
  • Nursing pillow: If you're breastfeeding, a nursing pillow can provide support and comfort during feeding sessions.
  • Diaper bag: Get a spacious diaper bag with multiple compartments to keep all your baby essentials organized when you're on the go.

Newborn Baby Checklist: Things You Don’t Need

When preparing for your newborn's arrival, it's equally important to identify items that you may not necessarily need. Here are a few examples of items that can be considered as "don't needs":

  • Newborn-sized clothing: While it's important to have a few newborn-sized clothing items, babies tend to grow quickly. Consider not going overboard with newborn-sized outfits, as your baby may outgrow them within a few weeks. Focus more on stocking up on 0-3 month-sized clothing.
  • Fancy baby shoes: While those tiny shoes may look adorable, newborns don't need shoes as they spend most of their time indoors or wrapped in blankets. Opt for soft booties or socks instead.
  • Baby-specific detergent: While it's important to use gentle detergents, you may not necessarily need a special baby-specific detergent. Many hypoallergenic and fragrance-free detergents suitable for sensitive skin can be used for the whole family.
  • Fancy baby grooming kits: While it's important to have nail clippers or scissors for trimming your baby's nails, elaborate grooming kits with unnecessary accessories may not be essential. Simple, baby-sized nail clippers or scissors will suffice.
  • Fancy baby food processors: If you plan to make your own baby food, you can use a regular blender or food processor that you already have in your kitchen. Specialized baby food processors can be expensive and may not offer significant advantages.

Welcome Your Bundle of Joy with Hatchery Cribs

pregnant mom writing her checklist of things for welcoming newborn baby

Having a well-organized newborn baby checklist is crucial to ensure you have all the necessary items when your little one arrives. By covering essential areas such as clothing, diapering, feeding, sleeping, bathing, hygiene, safety, and miscellaneous items, you'll be fully prepared for the wonderful journey of parenthood.

Consider your lifestyle, space constraints, and budget when deciding what items are necessary and what can be avoided. Prioritize items that promote your baby's safety, comfort, and well-being, and don't feel pressured to buy every baby product on the market. With this comprehensive newborn baby checklist as well as the help from our friendly nursery consultants, you'll be ready to welcome your bundle of joy with confidence and ease!